Christopher Nieper named in manufacturing industry elite

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Christopher Nieper, Managing Director of Derbyshire based fashion house, David Nieper has been included in The Manufacturer Top 100, a list of the UK’s most inspiring individual fromthe world of manufacturing.

The Manufacturer is the industry’s premier national business publication, this initiative seeks to highlight the UK’s best manufacturing role models to educate the public about the role of manufacturing, and help demonstrate to potential new talent that a career in manufacturing is exciting, creative and lucrative.

The Manufacturer Top 100 are all individuals identified by readers, the wider industrial community and the public as among the industry’s leading and most dynamic personalities, who make an outstanding contribution to manufacturing.

Shortlisted individuals are nominated for their contributions in changing the face of the industry; finding new markets; making marked investment in people, processes and customers; and for those making an impact disproportionate to their years.

Christopher joined the family business in 1986 and witnessed the huge migration of British fashion manufacturing to offshore production. Choosing to go against this offshoring trend and remain steadfast in the company’s commitment to Made in Britain, Christopher has pioneered the company’s investment in marketing, new manufacturing infrastructure and skills to deliver continuous and sustainable growth.  Today, David Nieper enjoys record sales of its luxury womenswear and employs 230 people.

Christopher commented:

“It is a huge honour to have been nominated within this prestigious list especially given some of the other personalities included.

Our success is entirely down to our wonderful staff and it’s a privilege to invest in the local community and develop local skills. 25 years ago we had a huge decision to make, do we stay in Britain or do we go offshore like most other fashion manufacturing? We chose to stay in Britain and have never looked back. Since then the company has grown every year and we’ve remained steadfast in our commitment to local British skills.”

Christopher and his father were honoured recently with a lifetime achievement award for contribution to Britain made fashion and last month Christopher was included amongst Derbyshire’s most inspirational 250 people.   At the age of 19 Christopher sailed the Atlantic and started his own furniture repair business before completing a degree in mechanical engineering and joining the family company.  In 2015 he formed the David Nieper Education Trust.   A beekeeper, sportsman, school governor, and former non-executive director of Help the Aged, Christopher is married with four children and lives in rural Derbyshire.