David Nieper championing women in the workplace – from sewing room to boardroom

British fashion business David Nieper is supporting International Women’s Day 2018, through a photography campaign to mark the start of this year’s #pressforprogress movement championing the empowerment of women all over the world. The campaign captures some of the incredible women that have helped build the success story of the David Nieper fashion house.

International Women’s Day (March 8) is a key date in the calendar celebrating social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women globally.


For over 55 years, David Nieper has championed the achievements of its 87% female workforce, giving recognition to both individual and collective contributions made by staff. The company is predominantly female; the majority of key roles are secured by women who account for almost all of the senior management team, as well as skilled production work.

David Nieper has over the decades created a unique work environment which allows women to thrive. Staff are supported not only in their own professional capacity in the workplace but also within their community and family.


David Nieper prioritises the issues that matter most to female staff, for example the future of local children through the establishment of the David Nieper Academy.  The family company is the first private fashion business to form a Government approved ‘multi-academy-trust’ and has taken the unprecedented step of sponsoring a secondary school to help raise the level of education and skills in the area.

Additionally, the company appreciates its female workers’ family commitments and offers more flexible and part-time hours especially around school hours and term times for parents and carers.

Diane Marshall, is a good example of the company’s approach to promoting women. She started in the company’s call center 25 years ago and has been promoted from within several times, she is now Director of Manufacturing.

Diane commented:

“Here at David Nieper, since day one we have supported our female workforce by equipping them with skills and education, offering independence and the opportunity to follow a career of their choice from dressmaking to IT, finance, retail, logistics, HR and marketing.

Handing down specialist skills and ensuring a good education for both our staff and students at the David Nieper Academy is the best legacy we can leave to ensure economic and social freedom for generations of women to come.”

Christopher Nieper, Managing Director, David Nieper Ltd is truly a man in a woman’s world but welcomes the success of his team. 

Christopher commented:

“I feel privileged to work with so many inspiring and competent women. They are the magic ingredient that makes our family business the success that it is.  The well-being of staff is paramount and as such we strive to ensure our team has a healthy balance between work and home life.”

David Nieper rewards staff loyalty. The company enjoys very low staff turnover and more than half its 280 staff have service records of 10+ years.




For further information contact:

David Nieper, Press Office

[email protected] 07904 257687