Huffington Post – British Fashion Manufacturers Bucking the Retail Trend

Huffington Post UK recently spoke to dozens of niche UK fashion manufacturers, including Christopher Nieper, the managing director of David Nieper.

At a time when British fashion retailing has been struggling for survival and so many well-known brands have failed, some niche areas of UK fashion manufacturing have been bucking the trend and enjoying something of a resurgence. People might not have so much money to spend, but are more prepared to spend it on something unique, created with attention to detail and quality, and made in Britain.

The revival is not just at home: overseas interest in all things British has been boosted by the Diamond Jubilee, a royal wedding and a successful Olympics, and the UK fashion manufacturers that are thriving are all doing so partly as a result of flourishing exports. 100% of David Nieper’s garments are designed and manufactured in its own UK factory, and exports represent 35% of the company’s business.

The full article including Christopher Nieper’s comments can be read at Huff Post uk: British Fashion Export Heroes Are Bucking The Trend For Failing Retail