The Guardian – Christopher Nieper on the Panel of UK Manufacturing Q & A Session

A panel of experts recently shared their advice with Guardian Professional’s Small Business Network in a live Q&A session about the future of UK manufacturing and how small manufacturing companies can grow. Christopher Nieper, the managing director of David Nieper, was one of the experts on the panel and his tip for winning new business was to make use of the internet.

Christopher Nieper

“I’ve found that there are a lot of manufacturing support industries who have the skills and are present in the UK but many have not embraced the internet: setting up a website and promoting themselves via social media, which would make them more visible in the market place, both here and overseas.

It’s a problem we encounter on a day-to-day basis, as we often look for sub-contractors with various specialised skills who we eventually find by word of mouth. The internet is a vital tool for all SMEs looking to grow. It doesn’t require heavy investment and with the right input you can reach a broader market and thus win new business and grow.”

The full article can be read at the How to grow your manufacturing company: Q&A roundup

Photo by Steve Hill Photography UK